Electric Vehicle Recharging Stations Investment Opportunities

  Venture Capital companies and Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) invest in electric-vehicle charging infrastructure. Some stations include covered solar panel charging stations. Cities across America are implementing electric vehicle (EV) charging station in downtown areas and suburbs fostering support for electric cars.

This green energy momentum is very visible. Will this market ever complete with gas stations? Lawmakers in Washington passed a bill to allow electric power utilities and IOU's to invest in the electric-vehicle charging sector. These investments receive the usual rate of return approved by the PUC.

Regulators in many states not prohibited investor-owned utilities from selling electricity at retail charging stations. Can anyone envision pulling into a Shell or BP Station to find electric vehicle charging stations situated near the air compressors? When will the changes in the automobile industry be reflected in the gas station industry? Electric cars travel 75 to 179 miles on a charge. This problem currently prohibits cross-country travel in electric vehicles.

There are over 23,000 charging stations in the U.S. This infrastructure cost investment exceeds $130 million. These infrastructure costs decrease as technology improves and public support increases. Large areas across Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are great states for this new investment.

Utilities operate large transmission and electrical grids and invest in major infrastructure projects. They are ideal investors and backers for building out charging station networks. Investors could include the automobile companies with large electric vehicle divisions.

This type of investment is permissible in the deregulated subsidiaries of Electric Investor Owned Utilities like ConEd Solutions, NRG, and DTE Energy Investments. The returns can be higher and often better or more efficient technology can be found in this area of venture capital. The return on investment in small and medium sized towns could be 8% to 12%. Many cities will want to own and control these investments. Data generated from these stations will help city managers place more as demand increases.

The green energy markets are expanding in commercial and industrial business. Imagine major corporations installing many EV recharging stations as part of their annual employee goodwill expenditures. This will happen soon.

Will pension fund money enter into this sector? Hedge funds and other energy investment investors will enter this arena as the electric vehicles market matures. Ford, Toyota, and Tesla are selling many electric vehicles http://xovacharging.com/. This makes sense in a country filled with environmentalists and a nation determined to do the right thing in moving our auto industry forward.

Truth About Electric Vehicles

Japan has been researching EV (electric vehicle) technology since last 20 years but it is fact that Electric vehicle was invented before the gasoline engine vehicle. Electric vehicle did not really gain popularity because of weak batteries and recharge system. Now the scientists have found minerals like Lithium which can really move this technology to make a larger impact on the consumers.

As everyone of us know that there are 3-types of vehicles running on our roads.

Petrol/Diesel Vehicles

Hybrid Vehicles that are partially electric. &

EV-Electric Vehicles

Many new developers and enterprises are taking bold interest in the production of Electric vehicles, but still the big stake is with the main key players like GM, Honda, Toyota and Nissan. This monopoly will raise the prices because of the long time research and the expensive batteries. Mitsubishi IMIEV has a price tag of Japanese Yen (JPY) 3,980,000. Under Government of Japan support and zero emission promotion program a rebate of JPY 1,140,000 is available to the end-users. This makes a final price tag of JPY: 2,840,000

The 500Cycle motor that moves the car is in back, and the battery -LEV50 x 88 are the main components of IMIEV. It will charge to full in 14Hrs. from a house plug in of AC100V. But since a great time of about 14 hours is still un-acceptable to many. Therefore every maker is focusing in providing a quick battery charge solution to the users. Even the Govt. has announced to provide support is establishing more than 2,000 quick charge points by the year 2020. These points will be useful and the user can re-charge about 80% of the batteries in only 30mins. but still this will be a question because a tank fill up from gas station does not take more than 2 minutes.

Besides this if the user drives the car with full beam and full airconditioning positions then the battery won't last even half the distance in full charge. Hence the drivers should keep in mind that IMIEV will only run for 80Kms. if airconditioning and lights are used continuously. But this is how the normal cars do and the alternator in the vehicles keep on charging the battery.

Nissan Leaf another EV has set a total retail price of JPY 3760000 and after a Govt. discount of JPY770,000 the final price will become JPY2,990,000. Well as we discussed above that until the batteries are not loosening prices, these small babies will be expensive. Hence if you do own the vehicle for 7-years then it might become economical in comparison with present gasoline engines.

We believe that there are no instant worries about gasoline engines vanishing from this planet, they have been here for the last 100years or more and will remain around us in future.


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